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Gustav und Henriette Dodt (Pommern – Germany, 1835)

Posted by on May 4, 2011

Gustav und Henriette Dodt (Pommern – Germany, 1835)


Gustav Dodt (37) emigrated (Reichstag) from Hamburg 18 July 1873 to Maryborough Australia. Gustav was born in Schwartow Pommern (Zwartowo) and married Henriette Personke in Ossecken Pommern (Osieki Lęborskie).

Their sons Friedrich (Lantow – Łętowo) and Karl (Landhoss – ?) were also born in Pommern (as well as their daughter Emelie), which is now part of Poland. See also Wilhelm Dodt and Ida Dodt.

On Gustav’s death, Henrietta remarried to Hans Martin Stoll. She later had another 6 children to the 5 children she had with Gustav.

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